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3 Deck Oven

2 Deck Brick Oven

2 Deck Oven*

4 Deck Oven

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Features that take the Veroforno beyond "just a pizza oven"

  • Night damper to shut off the chimney overnight, to minimize initial warm-up time = extra savings.

  • Front mounted electric control panel for easy access

  • Digital thermostat for automatic temperature control

  • Inner halogen lamps on each deck, to provide easy viewing of baking product without opening the door

  • Interior wall well compacted with 12 inch top quality insulation, to retain its heat and avoid radical change in oven temperatures & keep a healthy work environment. (Creating less use for Air conditioner during the summer.)

  • Unique designed brick combustion chamber, designed to save gas usage.

  • The concept of Veroforno was to evenly distribute heat into the baking chamber for instant recovery & matchless performance.

  • Light weight Aluminum doors ideal for easy opening, doors open towards the inside to stop heat from flowing out. Easy to unload & load to create a less stressful workday.

  • Options Bake directly on: stone, tray, pan or screen, with the outcome always the same.

  • Fuel consumption; this is the most economical oven on the market today

  • MVF 3- Deck oven can bake fifteen 16” pies, or twelve 18” pies within 6 minutes. The required floor space is only 63 x 72”, 70” high. Direct or indirect venting.

  • The Veroforno is very versatile to work with the mini window helps you keep an eye on products being baked.

  • Can bake different types of products including: bread, pizza, roast beef, and pasta dishes.

  • It is equipped with compelling lights, giving you a perfect view of the products baked.

  • Flawless stainless steal for easy cleaning and maintenance.

  • The Veroforno underwent research and close examination of quality materials, to ensure that it will be durable, firm, safe, and dependable.

  • We guarantee quality, uniformity, and consistency every time.

      *The Veroforno two deck is also available in Electric



Natural gas or propane


Gas connection ½” gas line Electrical 110 volts, 10 amps line-


Burner exhaust: 5” double wall chimney pipe Exhaust venting



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